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What is being healthy ?

There are the answers of specialists, each one defending his theory and his opinion from the height of his conditioned knowledge, and with which he makes a business. And then there is common sense. If you are waiting for a scientific answer, I am afraid that my answer will not satisfy you.   We have delegated a large part of our life to specialists and authorities of all kinds : psychologist, guru, god, professor, politicians, judges, experts etc.. because we were convinced that only the knowledge of specialists is of any value..

There are the answers of specialists, each one defending his theory and his opinion from the height of his conditioned knowledge, and with which he makes a business. And then there is common sense. If you are waiting for a scientific answer, I am afraid that my answer will not satisfy you.

We have delegated a large part of our life to specialists and authorities of all kinds : psychologist, guru, god, professor, politicians, judges, experts etc.. because we were convinced that only the knowledge of specialists is of any value..

We thus gave up our own intelligence and observation to profit others. We have been taught since childhood to venerate great men and not question any of it. However, knowledge has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence. In addition, the business of the pharmaceutical industry and the monetization of molecules has supplanted traditional medicine to the detriment of traditional knowledge, medicinal herbs etc. Modern medicine has thus become the business of disease, and not the virtuous practice of health... We tell ourselves that modern medicine has made great progress in eradicating certain diseases, while forgetting to say that it has created new ones in the process.

The only major development came from the doctor Semmelweiss at the turn of the century. He observed the deaths associated with childbirth and deduced that hygiene was the main factor. He has thus overturned habits in hospitals and considerably reduced the number of deaths in hospitals.

We have become addicts to drugs and miracle pills (see the cult movie Soleil vert...). We can easily observe that a large part of all physical disorders are psychological. We know very well that stress, for example, is responsible for a multitude of pathologies. However, we have become accustomed to expecting others to solve our problems without having to deal with it ourselves. We have become a society of assisted people. The individual who questions existence, who is attentive to interactions with others and who observes the inner movement of motivations, contradictions and fears, can understand how much the involvement of the ego is responsible for the disease, not only mental but physical as well.

To understand what health is, one must begin by freeing oneself from conflicts. Because illness is first and foremost a signal of disturbance of the mind, and of the contradictory way we live our daily lives. Taking a step back and looking at one's existence with a holistic approach is the reasonable way to approach good health.


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