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What exactly is depression ?

he westernized individual is rocking a little more each day in an anxiety-depressive society under anti-depressants. This "normalization" is explained by the constant changes of paradigms linked to the globalist ideological frenzy. The individual struggles to find landmarks in his quest for psychological security. The "covid crisis" and now "the prospect of global war" are of course not unrelated to this.

The westernized individual is rocking a little more each day in an anxiety-depressive society under anti-depressants. This "normalization" is explained by the constant changes of paradigms linked to the globalist ideological frenzy. The individual struggles to find landmarks in his quest for psychological security. The "covid crisis" and now "the prospect of global war" are of course not unrelated to this.

The individual has lost his footing. He no longer knows where or who to turn to and how to approach his daily life without contradictions. He is often torn between a career at the risk of compromising himself, and living a family life in the countryside, far from the stress and violence of everyday life. He is also emotionally and emotionally ill. The three are linked and form one more global problem, which is the search for meaning in a meaningless existence.

First of all, health and fulfillment are not due to professional adaptation. Living a fulfilling existence, in which order and virtue reign, free from conflicts and fears, cannot be reduced to the traditional pattern of professional success. We need to take a step back and have a global view of our existence. Healthy living means doing what you say, without compromising yourself.

But what causes depression?

There is the response of psychologists, specialists in complexification and explanation, with their own jargon and semantics, and then there is the reality behind this worrying phenomenon. The subject is complex, but we must approach it simply.

It is conflict and resisting that creates depression. We consider conflict to be inevitable and our actions are organized around this inevitability. We accepted the idea that by dint of struggling we will come to understand, and that by dint of competition we will become quick-witted. It is true that wrestling promotes liveliness, but what is over-stretched wears out quickly.

But is conflict inevitable? Isn't there another way of living, outside of tensions, contradictions and violence?

There is one if we can understand the why and how of the conflict.

Psychologists struggle to solve the problem of depression in their patients. The reason is simple: they don't think holistically? Their only concern is to solve individual problems, because they think they are paid for that only. They don't think of human suffering as a whole. They don't question what depression is and why people around the world are depressed. They emphasize individual suffering, and they support it, maintain it at the same time. Thus, they help patients to pursue this individualistic depression. “My depression, which I can love or give up. »

Which is to say that the patient is only concerned with himself, isn't it?

And we are again trapped by the ego and the importance we give to what we are. We are locked in the context of ourselves. Therefore, modern psychology helps patients to be more selfish, if you can call it that. Always more concerned with oneself, committed to oneself.

But how do we deal with depression?

First of all we are convinced that it is necessary to do an introspection and to examine ourselves from the inside, to try to understand our emotions etc… An introspection is the fact of looking in oneself. What for ? Because in this way we hope to change or improve our condition. Introspection therefore becomes a means of becoming something, otherwise we would not take pleasure in this process. We examine ourselves because there is the desire to change the reactions of the self in order to become something other than what we are. It's obvious. We have a goal and seek to achieve it, with a view to improvement. But when the goal is not achieved, there is disappointment, and depression sets in. So introspection inevitably goes hand in hand with depression.

Introspection is a process of transforming what is into what should be, what it is not. This duality breeds inner conflict and frustration. We are not free of it. So depression is frustration.

However, when we are lucid, it is quite another thing. Awareness is observation without condemnation or judgment. It is from lucidity and observation without distortion, without justification or condemnation that we can get out of depression. Through silent observation.

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