What does it mean to be authentic ?
A Gucci bag is said to be authentic when it is not a copy but the original. The original is the real one. So to be authentic is to be true. Is there anything genuine about us ? Let us observe what constitutes the nature of the individual.
First of all, the word individual means indivisible, unified, unfragmented, healthy. But we operate through images, ideas, words and representations. Images are fragments and can never constitute the whole. So we are fragmented.
Does the truth exist ? And then what is a fact ?
Unlike an idea which is an abstraction, a fact is indisputable, and that makes it a truth. Ex. The sun is a fact, the conditioning of the individual is another fact. And the question asked is the following : how not to make the truth an idea, an abstraction ? How do you observe anything ? In general, the individual operates from traditional thinking, which is a reaction from memory. The content of the latter is the past : knowledge, experience, memorie, certaintie, ideologie, culture, education, tradition, fear, pleasure, sensatios, trauma etc. Thought is therefore conditioned by all our accumulations, and these accumulations condition, the past conditions.
Thus to be authentic requires to free oneself from conditioning and accumulations in order to discover an interior space unpolluted by thought, unfragmented and therefore true.