We just came out of an boat collision and a man came across with a funny remark. He seriously said to us that if we had prayed that morning, all of this would never have happened. It was pathetic, it was his conditioning.
We have been brought up in such a way that we believe in all kinds of abstractions. The conditioned being will never know the truth because in order to know we must first give up all beliefs. What we are looking for are schemes and methods in order to solve our existential problems, and to find something that is permanent. However we do not know anything about it, but we hope..
We assume and accept as truth something that we know absolutely nothing about. It is just a loophole that generates a lot of strife and quarrels.. How do we discover anything new when we live in confusion and fragmentation ?
Truth is not an opinion or a belief, for to find out what is true the mind must be totally emptied of all conclusion, certainty, idea, conviction and belief. We can't share anything either because how can we share something that we know absolutely nothing about ?
Any method or system is by nature mechanical. Therefore a life governed by beliefs becomes dull and repetitive. We must rule out the idea of ​​conforming to any action resulting from a repetitive and mechanical pattern. We live fragmented lives and we act differently in the office and at home. We have certain thoughts in private life, and different ones in public life. This creates contradictions and fragmentation. Can thought connect the different fragments to form a unified harmonious whole, without conflicts, in which our way of life has a meaning ?
This question is important because if we want a world without ugliness nor violence we must be able to answer. First of all knowledge is necessary to go to the moon for example, but it is harmful when it comes to discovering a harmonious way of life, because it is of the past.
Knowledge is the past, and living according to the past is contradictory, because the past comes into conflict with the present. Knowledge is double-edged : on the one hand it is necessary in the technical field, and on the other it becomes a psychological problem. Everything we do is the result of reasoning and mechanical action related to the past : pattern, belief, tradition etc. Thinking is a reaction of memory, of experience and knowledge. Without memory, experience or knowledge, no thought : amnesia. Memory is conditioned by the culture, education and religious propaganda we have been trapped in. We need memory to drive a vehicle and get home. Thought being conditioned, it cannot discover how to live harmoniously. And yet we expect it to do so. We need thought on some level, but it prevents us from seeing how to live without conflict. And what happens when we see this ? What is the quality of the mind that understands this ?
To perceive the fact of something directly is very difficult because we are filled with second-hand experiences. We are afraid to perceive directly what is indisputable..
We know physical and mental suffering, and we explain it according to our own conditioning.. The Hindu will speak of karma, the Christian will bring everything back to Jesus Christ etc. We tend to run away from suffering and pain, rather than watching it closely. Suffering is an immense energy. Without description, without running away from it and without the ego that says "I am suffering", then suffering becomes a passionate energy. Suffering can therefore come to an end if we remain with it. Passion is none other than compassion, and compassion means passion for all. Only the passionate mind can discover how to live harmoniously.