Sailing with a swell that pushes you downwind means heading toward the voyage. It's also about stopping fighting against, and it's moving fast. There is a before and an after passing the tip of Spain. Once Cape Finisterre has been crossed, we feel that the path is all mapped out, it's obvious. It takes you to the south, the heat, the sun, in a straight line. Everything is simplified, there is no longer any need to struggle against the elements, we abdicate.
Before that, we had to accept to be husled, to go against, to suffer and be afraid. This is how our daily lives unfold. There is what we tell, tell ourselves, and then the truth of our existence.
The point is, we live in perpetual struggle : with our spouse, children, employer, colleagues, friends, all over the place. We think we identify the problems in others. We hope for so much, and harbor so many fears. Fear of failing, of being judged, unloved, disembarked, or plucked. We are convinced that all our problems come from the outside. And this does not spare the better-off, with their smugness, their contempt and their harshness. They are cruely lacking empathy and generosity. Those who work for the most disadvantaged ones are to be vomited. Their so-called compassion is only about image and social varnish to clear their conscience. They are too busy getting rich at the expense of others. Their so-called generosity is only a skillful way to better trade and buy respectability. They are often very far from the religious values ​​to which they pretend to adhere. The problem comes from the inside.
We are the source of all evil, you and I. Because where ambition, power and money reign, disorderly individuals lurk. They have a negative function in society. They may talk philosophy, geopolitics and handle the verb skilfully, it is only a bunchfull of words. Their hearts are empty. No one is spared.
To find meaning, shouldn't we not give up the race, abandon all our beliefs, our ambition, status, position, our empires, colonies, nationality and certainties? For all this is the conditioned ego.
To die to what we are, what we have been and what we could be, is to discover the true nature of what we are. It's living each day as if it was the last, which it is.