First a bit about the proper use of words, descriptions and semantics…
We have fallen into a society of appearances, images, pretense and superficiality. We have forgotten to think for ourselves. Above all, do not trust common sense. Semantics is no exception. Thus, we give importance to the description thinking to give substance to a proven specificity. She comes from the medical caste and the need to medicalize everything. Having only a partial approach, it struggles to understand all the issues.
But the description is not the thing described. We get trapped in the theatrical use of terms and words that in no way reflect the nature of the subjects. It is by fashion effect, by conformity and by effect of "style" that we get lost in semantics often preempted by specialists in complexification who make a business of it, in this case shrinks. The rest of the medical profession is no exception either. We are no longer interested in health in general, but in the business of "disease", which has been politicized for the past three years...
We easily accept the descriptions as well as the explanations of specialists who struggle to solve the ill-being of those who consult them, if not by medicalization, tablets, and the business of Labs. This approach does not solve much, and the suffering continues.
Thus we see flowering a galaxy of technical words intended to describe pseudo pathologies, thus maintaining a society of patients addressed by patients, let us not be afraid of words. We can list certain words that have the wind in their sails: toxic, narcissistic pervert, hypersensitivity, high intellectual potential, bipolar, borderline, hyperempathic, eco-anxiety, etc.. etc.. list of course not exhaustive.. You understand the principle n 'is this not ?
The "traditional medicine" pros will cry heresy, while the skeptics of the scalpel will understand. The first will be in hyper reaction and partisanship, while the others will question and lead to a sensible, reasonable and rational reflection. It is not a question here of putting a profession on trial, but of tackling complex subjects simply.
Now for the question. The answer is obviously in the question. All these pseudo pathologies are indeed from a common core meme, namely: the ego. It is by understanding how it works that we can find the causes and the means to free ourselves from it. However, it is relatively difficult to make an ego-centered individual who takes pleasure in causing pain realize that he must abandon the center from which he functions in order to find an emotional balance on a daily basis. It is a bit like telling a thief that he must stop stealing, knowing that it is by stealing that he earns his livelihood.
If there is a recurring topic that has settled in almost all chat rooms, it is that of the narcissistic pervert and the toxic person. This socio-pathological phenomenon is accentuated by a consumerist era centered on its navel, its disorder and its incessant quest for sensations and its need for identifications.
We find this predator almost everywhere, whether morally or sexually. Hidden under the mask of a person as sociable as charismatic and apparently adored by all, he is often seen as someone humble, even benevolent for the most gifted among them. But this is not the case: it is the nightmare of destitute and isolated victims, whose influence is such that they are no longer able to defend themselves or talk to those around them.
The PN is indeed an ego-centered individual. The self is the ego, the me, the I, the center from which one judges, compares, censures, conditions, deforms as one pleases. It is an exclusive activity centered on itself: its own salutes, accomplishment, happiness, anxiety, suffering... It functions from a center isolated from the rest of humanity. This constant attention given to oneself, one's individuality and all the rest, isn't this the beginning of all disorder?
To free ourselves from a large part of all our psychological ills, shouldn't we rather abandon the sick image that allows avoidance and responsibility, and accept to see the ego-centered state of our daily activity? It is in acceptance and not flight that we find the answers. But for that, you have to address the subject of the ego, for yourself, honestly. Otherwise, you remain stuck in your condition, surrounded by specialists who can do nothing for you. On the one hand liberation, on the other isolation.