The individual is so unaware of his inner self. He is interested in everything that is elsewhere and abstract. He is constantly on the lookout for anything that can distract him. He is passionate about subjects that have no concrete application in his life. His pseudo curiosity is a form of avoidance, and nothing he finds out helps him solve the myriad problems in his life. He can be interested in the nature of a tiny rock on Mars but is unable to look at the fact that his house is on fire, here and now, and that it is an emergency… He’d rather flee because his daily life is only struggle, contradiction and conflict.
He has created a mess in everything he touches but prefers avoiding his to see his responsability in it. Yet there is so much to understand and resolve within ourselves to begin to live with dignity. But no. He prefers to theorize until the end of time in alcoholic speeches. He looses himself on how things could be otherwise. But the point is, the nature what actualy is escapes him. He flees. He has so little sense of practicality is. The fact disappears in favor of the idea.
Seeing that we are fleeing our existence is intelligence, it is the first step towards transformation of being.
We have come to such a point of isolation from ourselves and others. We contribute, by our attitude to the grandiose collapse of civilization, nothing less. We opted for the suicidal process, so be it. There is no more inner vitality. All that remains in us is fear and despair. Let's take a good look, because that's what is happening. It’s the death instinct.
Absurd thinking, traditions, values ​​and ideologies have led us into nothingness. Our life is so little connected to the truth. We indulge in abstract inventions and theories of all kinds. It is high time to turn off our television set. Our BFM tv is nothing but a masquerade to peddle the Davos agendas. Let's open our eyes for once. Our daily television entertainment is nothing but propaganda sipping. Can we not see that we are dying from this numming information ? We don't know what to do with it anymore. None of this contributes to the liberation of the individual. It is only distraction without amusement, mind control.
We are succumbing to an authoritarian post-capitalist ideology… The carnage is here, it's lurking, it won't be gone anytime soon. Céline said in the voyage : "... Ah, that's the whole of man Ferdinand, he contemplates his death while fabricating it…"
It is about time to see clearly and take our destiny back in hand, without expecting anything from our corrupt governments…
The sun has just broken through, heat can be felt, life is awakening everywhere. The day is begining, cheerful, beautiful, simply.