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It is insight that frees onself...

When we take time to observe what is happening everywhere with hindsight, we have the feeling that the world is walking upside down. Chaos coming, it is obvious.. A great social movement is about to explode, because too many people are on the sidelines. The middle class is rapidly disappearing, the poorest are cornered more than ever, the richest are doing wonderfully, the stock market is reaching new records every day, artificially inflated by central banks, while the world economy is at its lowest. On top of that unemployment is exploding, and production is in free fall. Add the covid and forced isolation to all that and we are well on the way to crash into a wall..

When we take time to observe what is happening everywhere with hindsight, we have the feeling that the world is walking upside down. Chaos coming, it is obvious.. A great social movement is about to explode, because too many people are on the sidelines. The middle class is rapidly disappearing, the poorest are cornered more than ever, the richest are doing wonderfully, the stock market is reaching new records every day, artificially inflated by central banks, while the world economy is at its lowest. On top of that unemployment is exploding, and production is in free fall. Add the covid and forced isolation to all that and we are well on the way to crash into a wall..

A great social revolt is coming. It will bring economy and finance into darkness. Yesterday's world is dying.. Welcome to tomorrow's society and the world governance of bankers and states emptied of its sovereign power, at the mercy of the great world organizations : central banks, OMS, OMC, et tutti quanti..

This society is the one that our parents left us and that we keep maintaining every day, by our thoughts and actions.. We are caught in ideologies, greed, credulity and egoism.. In the mean time everyone sleeps soundly, anesthetized by all sorts of sensations, pleasures, drugs, hypocrisy and contradictions. The advent of 5G will allow mass surveillance, control and large-scale robotics. Robots will soon do most of the mechanical work and the individual will be obsolete, a commodity of little use, a burden to others. China's the example with its civic passport is only the top of the iceberg. The world of yesterday is quickly fading away !

Blaming the politics, the corruption of the elites, the climate change, the radicalization of religions and all the manifestations of global disorder make no difference. Thinking that others are responsible and that there should be global consultation, an international solution to solve our problems is illusory. Once again, let us repeat it : we created this mess. you and me, and nobody else. It is the individual who must change first.

There is nothing to be expected from governments, religious leaders, or anyone else. These individuals are corrupt just like us. No one is exempt.

The fact is, consumerism devours us, as well as ambition. We are stuck in our certainties and convictions, unable to discern the truth from what is indisputable. We expect too much from others, assisted as we are from the craddle. We were taught servitude and conformism. Above all we are not to question nor even doubt. What we call parental authority is a violent, stupid and blind way of education, it destroys all that is beautiful and spontaneous in us, and it makes us ugly and mean, adapted to this sick and brutal society. We follow the advice of our parents blindly and we get nowhere..

The weight of education is far too insidious. It leads us to erroneous schemes, old models : school of the republic or how to glorify its leaders, its soldiers and its wars.

It comes a time for marriage and its contract of mutual exploitation. Then we procreate to get attached and then to feel the need to get a loan, purchase and be trapped. This is the modele our parents offered to us, thank you very much !! In the meantime everything is struggle and conflict, with small pleasures in between, in order to escape the inner void.


We are urged to accept everything without questioning. We wouldn't want to be called a rebel or a conspirator, would we ? We have been told to respect the seniors' words, the absurd traditions, the national history to glorify our country and maintain nationalism and its divisions. We are supposed to miss out on existence and say amen.. Let's wake up.

As for the youth, let's talk about it! Other than being docile, disillusioned, and looking for old patterns, they do not show any sign of vitality nor hope for the future. They are already in a state of premature old age. As it is, we are on rails that lead us straight to the grave, for those who still need to ruminate the past, nostalgia, suffering and memories.

To all those who still have a little bit of vital energy and honesty, there is no new ideology to formulate and nothing to expect from anyone. We just have to observe in silence, free from the past, without condemning nor justify, and without running away. From this observation arises the perception of truth (not our truth..). It is the direct perception that generates the right action. But what is direct perception ?

Is it possible to see anything without distortions, without interpretations ? Can we perceive the truth in everything ?

To perceive not intellectually but factually is to understand, for there is no intellectual understanding. Direct perception is the highest form of intelligence. To perceive the nature of a problem is to instantly free ourself from it. In perception, thought is not, for thought evaluates, compares, censors, interprets according to its needs. It systematically condemns and distorts, that is its function.

Thought is the reaction of memory, of the past. There can be no direct perception with thought, only pseudo facts tinged with conditioning, all things invented, distorted, without any truth. As soon as you translate a fact according to your desires, beliefs, convictions, certainties, the truth gives way to projection and lies, it is quite simple to understand isn't it ?

It is therefore crucial to know how to observe and listen without distortion, in order to perceive the truth of our existence, if not it becomes impossible to make any lasting change.

We created this corrupt society and it is up to us to perceive corruption in our own life if we want to transform it and leave a world free of violence to our children. Corruption is contradiction, it is saying one thing and doing the contrary, it starts there ! We can see all the manifestations of corruption in everything that is false : politics, religion, and more generally all forms of ideologies and beliefs, all are products of thought. So we say that all those being serious and desirous to bring about a profound change must first transform themselves and let go of the inner corruption that has created the surrounding chaos.

This transformation is the discovery of a quality of perception without conditionings. That makes it possible to see and understand the contradictions and conflicts that we weave every moment in our relationships and daily actions. From this observation is born a new, orderly, virtuous and true action. This action requires no effort, it incarnates change. Observation therefore leads us to abandon all belief and ideology, because the lie is at the heart of traditional thinking. Are we able to perceive all this in the moment ? Silence…


There is no answer to formulate, no reaction to encourage, just observe attentively, without the movement of thought. But are we honest enough to accept this state of affairs ? Without fleeing, condemning or justifying ? The question asked does not require any answer, there again. It is the way we contemplate the thing described which matters more than the answer itself, and observing it without reaction. Because the moment we react we fall into traditional thought, which is responsible for the disorder and in the interpretation.

Thought has its place, however thought is the clever and deceptive part of our existence. We have to see the difference between direct perception, factually, and the activity of thought which distorts permanently. It is its way of maintaining status quo, and not changing anything and stagnate.

Everything that we have accumulated psychologically is in the realm of thought and ego, and everything is worthless. What we call consciousness is the content accumulated by thought, which is the response of memory, without any vitality.

We must perceive the erroneous nature of consciousness with all its junk and its accumulations that forms the totality of the ego, of the me, of the I. And to free oneself from it, naturally. What happens then ? No more conflicts, no more contradictions, no more corruption, and the world changes, because we are the world.


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