That's it, Martinique has closed its "non-essential" businesses as they say.. We had to follow the technocrats of the metropolis.. The health dictatorship orchestrated by incompetent people must apply everywhere, even if it does not make sense. We can no longer sit on the terrace of a cafe to observe the splendid decline of the West and this decadent civilization, it is forbidden.
To belong to the human race is to suffer the brutality and the perfidy of what we have become. We cannot escape from it, it catches up with us, it is in the genes.. It is necessary to be a little sensitive to feel all the violence of everyday life. The human mind has many surprises in store for us.
But the real confinement is internal, psychological we mean. The confinement in what we are, trapped because we exist in isolation and regulatory distance. We are still the injured and bruised child. We have been taught to compare, judge, evaluate and conforme ourselves. We have lost all our greatness. We have been castrated from the very beginning, in the violence of parental authority, then at school, in the rules, principles and contradictions.. All the injunctions to be a good little soldier. We have been brought up to injest the past and deadly values, force-fed with all that is conditioning and ideologies..
There is hardly any space left in the hard disk now.. We can no longer think calmly because we are saturated with unseful informations. The inner confinement leads us to isolation and distancing. When we are so concerned by what we are, by our ambitions; when we are so frightened by the future and we demand psychological security at all costs, we surround ourselves with barricades and protections of all kinds. We then destroy relationships to others, keeping it at a good distance to prevent any close interaction and honest communication. There lies the limit of friendship and love, which are the same…
There are the external conditions such as Covid, and then the internal conditions of confinement. See how it has become impossible to discuss anything without facing controversy, without falling into partisanship, without taking sides, it's pathetic ! Inner isolation and convictions have engendered relationships and exchanges without communication..
We have become specialists in debating and argumenting, as in the arenas of the gladiatorial era, life or death, for or against. We live in antagonism, division and conflict, unable to listen or see in ourselves honestly. We have become corrupt politicians, censors, judges. We must absolutely hurt the other, or humiliate him while waiting for the killing, That's the principle behind sports, isn't it ? This is what we are taught at school and this is what we try to share. We are so insecure of what we are, the foundation is so fragile. This permanent state of non-communication is what we call "relationship". But to be related means to share, to commune. And in order to share it is necessary to agree on the meaning of words and not to interpret according to one's moods.
Communicating implies seeing and sharing the facts together, seeing its truths and contemplating in ourselves.. It takes humility and curiosity to discover how to overcome our state of confusion.. It implies freeing ourself from all that is false, and not just wanting to win an argument that has no meaning, apart from that of distraction and the staging of oneself, the ego.
This current state of inner isolation is found in the psychological state of the individual, always on the verge of tears on the slightest annoyance. The tension, the doubt, the fragility and the hyper consciousness are the signs of a decomposition of mental health. It is a form of decline of collective consciousness too. There is not the slightest shadow of vitality in sight. We are sinking into nothingness.. There are of course all kinds of individual or collective initiatives but all resulting from fragmentation and partiality, sword blows in the water, lacking global perspective, and each permanent fighting to defend a part of truth. But a part never makes the whole.
Ecology and the guilt of the citizen is still a means of masking the causes of disaster generated by the industrials, the military, consumerism, the obsession of a double digit growth and profit etc. Without addressing the root causes, nothing changes fundamentally. It's a bit like putting patches on a Titanic. No, we have to review our certainties because they lead us nowhere. All the disturbances that we can see come from the individual. And there is nothing to be expected from anyone's assumptions or theories, for to expect from another conditioned mind is to produce even more disorder. We seem to refuse to see in ourselves the causes of the surrounding chaos.. We have been educated to look for causes in all those who do not think like us..
We have never been taught we are society and that there is no separation. The state of division in the world is the state of relationships we maintain. It is therefore up to us to transform ourselves, not to act on the external factors, which are the reflections of our inner condition, but to act on what we are... that is to say a bag full of notions and erroneous concepts...
What does “acting” mean at this moment ? Pause. Well, that’s letting go of the images we have of ourself, that’s the first step. Are we ready for it ? Do we see the danger of not changing anything, of remaining what we are ? Do we see that we are responsible for the society that we leave to our children, and that our parents have left us ? And how do we receive all this ? Do we see the truth of the disorder within ourselves or are we busy thinking, interpreting, being for or against, condemning, justifying or fleeing ? If this is the case, nothing that is shared has any value.
To all those who think that the observation, however pessimistic it may be, is mistaken : pessimism and optimism are abstract notions, labels for reassurance, verbalizations that rather define the avoidance of what is, and partisan labels without intrinsic values. Only the fact matters. The profound change and the transformation of the individual comes from attention, listening then perception. It is the capacity to observe an indisputable fact, and act without choice. The result is of another nature. That is the good news !