If we consider it for a moment, we realize that time is an invention of thought. There is of course the chronological time of the watch, the seasons, the rotation of the earth, etc. But we are governed by the psychological time of the past and the future. And when we are attentive to the present moment is there time ?
Whether yesterday or today, we project our existence as a means to escape the truth of what is before our eyes. We flee the existential void with great blows of ideas, ambitions, dreams, projections and abstractions.
In short, we seek to be what we are not, to become elsewhere otherwise. Meanwhile the boat is sinking ! The observation overwhelms us, so we desparately try avoid looking at the fact. We prefer to take refuge in distractions. We thus invent a lifestyle that is centered on pleasure. But the latter is only the strengthening of the ego, and it breeds fear, because the two are inseparable. This is how we begin to be afraid of losing all your little attachments. We then search for security. We fall into selfishness and life becomes very small.
It is the quest for psychological security that breeds insecurity. If one is a little bit serious, it is possible to live differently. We must give up all that we have accumulated, psychologically.