Whatever the nature of the diet, weight regulation is generally the result of good emotional and more generally psychological balance. The body and the mind are inseparable. Nutrition then becomes a minor subject, if indeed we have not already completely succumbed to junk food in our daily diet.
We therefore say that diets, sports, fasting, dietary supplements, slimming treatment sessions, etc. bring only few results, because the causes of the physical disorder are not addressed at the source.
We therefore say that diets, sports, fasting, dietary supplements, slimming treatment sessions, etc. bring little or no results, because the causes of the physical disorder are not addressed at the source.
What are these causes? They vary of course from one individual to another but we notice that fears and traumas are largely responsible, that is to say the accumulations of the past. Traumas are active wounds, which work in the background. These will give rise to judgment and guilt, which will in turn generate a degraded image of oneself and then an excessive or compulsive state in its relationship to the food.
Then we will avoid addressing this devalued state of oneself by ingesting food excessively (bulimia or compulsions) or by starving the body and doing violence to it (anorexia). The image then justifies the compulsions and acts as a punishment against oneself, against the body. At no time do we think of addressing the cause, because it is scary.. Plunging back into an unpleasant situation does not thrill anyone, we prefer to take refuge in the quest for pleasure..
So we consult a "nutritional specialist" who will offer us the miracle diet. The hope of finding a perfect body and credulity lead us to more unique and trendy methods. We are ready to try everything rather than address the problem at the source. We agree to pay the high price to find a balanced body, whatever the method, as soon as we are promised a dream body..
But these steps are struggling to solve our weight problems on the merits. Therefore, disillusionment and disappointment quickly set in as the yoyo effects take over. We are faced with the evidence that it does not work as we would like.
However, there are accompaniments that produce real lasting results. Well-being coaching helps to clearly understand the interaction of body and mind in order to find the right balance in daily life. Because it is only when we understand the way we perceive ourselves through toxic images that we can free ourselves from inner disorder and regain a normal weight.
We can then have abundant vital energy and have the deep feeling of leading a rich and meaningful life.