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Ambition is a form of bulimia.

We try to accumulate more and more every day : more power, money, status, image, control. There is pleasure in the accumulation, it permeates control and to forcefully impose oneself on others. We feel stronger and smarter. We also become insensitive, incapable of empathy. We are ready to do anything to advance faster than the others. We disguise ourselves, we lie, we betray, everything will do. It is the result that counts, the end justifying the means.

We try to accumulate more and more every day : more power, money, status, image, control. There is pleasure in the accumulation, it permeates control and to forcefully impose oneself on others. We feel stronger and smarter. We also become insensitive, incapable of empathy. We are ready to do anything to advance faster than the others. We disguise ourselves, we lie, we betray, everything will do. It is the result that counts, the end justifying the means.

We can easily understand things intellectually, verbally, but true understanding is not there.

Understanding the danger of a hypocritical existence involves a profound change in one's habits. It requires a healthy, honest and passionate mind, curious about the search for truth. It requires a selfless attitude that does not seek psychological security at all costs. There again, it is thought that creates all this disorder through the becoming and the ego, and the projection in time. Thought feeds on pleasure for power, status etc, and on the fear of losing it. It is a quest for material and psychological security and tutti quanti..

But what is the quality of the mind which understands the mechanisms of thought in the moment ? Not intellectually but factually, in itself, right now, clearly ? Such a spirit abandons the rat race and the personal quest.


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