At sea, we are surrounded by a large community of people who share this need to live differently, outside of traditional weary patterns, often without TV and its perpetual flow of disinformation. It feels good to realize there is no need to be entertained. The surrounding beauty fills the void, or rather fills it with a fullness that does not require any escaping. You become yourself the totality of the moment. You must have left the race and the ambition and have space and beauty all around to put your daily life into perspective. You must also see and understand the source of all the conflicts in your daily life, and the immorality of the society in which you live in, and to free yourself from it.
Understanding that ambition is immoral, is to be moral. It is in the perception of the whole structure of the separated self, the money, the authority, the power, prestige, images, status, the cruel lack of consideration and the selfishness, and deep down the need to accumulate in order have psychological security, that you free yourself from it.
To understand the nature of a problem is to dissolve it. However we have been educated to be ambitious. We have come to adore business leaders, who are often crooks. We are encouraged to be what we are not, and thus live in contradictions. We are conditioned in conflict and violence, in the injunction to be this or that, to be professionally successful etc. All of this does not make sense. There is no fulfillment or development of intelligence in these patterns. Intelligence makes the individual deeply moral, free and fulfilled. We in turn hasten to instill in our offspring the doctrine of ambition and professional success... What a waste ! An ambitious man without real intelligence only helps make this world a little more brutal and ugly every day.
We must reject this society as it is, with its immoral implications, not intellectually but actually, and this enables us to live morally. By denying it, one obtains a positive state of morality. We have to totally reject the idea of success, not just in mundane space, not just in the sense of success, in a world of money and position, but deny all of that. TO do so is to discover a whole different energy, which is outside the realm of success, conformism, imitation and all the rest of it. Understanding what success entails : the self that is separate from the other, desiring success that will put the individual in a position of power, authority and prestige. Rejecting success negate the desire to be powerful. We can only do this when we understand the process involved in success. For success inevitably creates a ruthless nature, an absence of love, an immense lack of consideration for others, and an acceptance of corruption in the social structures. Understanding all of this requires full attention. And when we are attentive corruption ceases.