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A normalized anxio-depressive way of life.

When we observe the other, that is to say the rest of humanity, when we are attentive and a little emphatic to the suffering of the other to recognize it also in ourselves, we realize that humanity is permanently on the verge of tears. There is such psychological insecurity, a state of tension and a form of inner isolation that one sometimes wonders how it all still holds up.  The fact is that the individual is depressed. All his old patterns and patterns crumble. Paradigm shifts in society have generated deep anxiety related to tomorrow and chronic emotional insecurity due to isolation, which now fills all available space. Everyday life is full of tension and unease. We dream of somewhere else, but in the meantime the boat is taking on water and it is only a matter of time before it hits the bottom.

When we observe the other, that is to say the rest of humanity, when we are attentive and a little emphatic to the suffering of the other to recognize it also in ourselves, we realize that humanity is permanently on the verge of tears. There is such psychological insecurity, a state of tension and a form of inner isolation that one sometimes wonders how it all still holds up.

The fact is that the individual is depressed. All his old patterns and patterns crumble. Paradigm shifts in society have generated deep anxiety related to tomorrow and chronic emotional insecurity due to isolation, which now fills all available space. Everyday life is full of tension and unease. We dream of somewhere else, but in the meantime the boat is taking on water and it is only a matter of time before it hits the bottom.

Moreover, there has never been a more narcissistic time than the one we live in now. The great decline of Western society opens like a gaping manhole. Adapting the individual to an anxiety-depressive world is the new social norm that we must accept without questioning.

The fact is that the individual gives far too much importance to what he is, to his conditioned being. He has de facto isolated himself from the rest of humanity. There is no longer a boundary between "normality" and "neurosis". They have become synonymous, we pass from one state to another imperceptibly.

Moreover, the world embodies the modern spirit of the decomposition of the critical faculty, in favor of a culture of appearance and image. Lobotomization is deep in the air. Its nauseating scent covers everything. We can't escape it, it sticks to our guts.

He may force himself to smile and whiten his teeth to create an illusion, work on his plastic image on Insta, everything suggests that he is alone, anxious and without real connections with anything.

There are three suffering factors that come up regularly. These are emotional tension, anxiety and depression. The three are interrelated, interdependent and form a single disorder.

The need to fulfill oneself, the fear of not succeeding, comparison, judgment and guilt are largely responsible for this permanent, relentless inner tension which gives rise to all the suffering of everyday life. Everything is conditioned by a certain image that we have of ourselves. Our emotional reactions depend on the latter, which is under constant pressure and with which we have identified. It is she who finds herself hurt and who creates the emotional imbalance.

Thus, it is by understanding the structure of the ego, desire, image, wounds and contradictions that one can durably free oneself from emotional disorder and find a permanent state of tranquility, which does not depend external conditions.


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