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Thoughts and FEELINGs

The permanent state of chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue is the new normalized state of a society that offers only a consumerist vision based on the quest for pleasure. Being...

The couple and sexuality
We talk about it a lot and we think about it a lot too. It is a major subject that must be studied in detail in order to understand the...

Can one never know oneselves?
The vast majority of problems and tensions that people encounter are the result of not knowing themselves. It is therefore by getting to...

The nature of emotions.
No "personal development" without understanding how emotions work... Emotions are sensations and reactions coming from various...

The bondage of optimism.
To be positive, ambitious, dynamic and full of projects and objectives: such would be the promise of contemporary happiness according to...

Towards the end of the social networking era?
Almost all social networks in Silicon Valley are in decline. Save yourself. FB is recording record losses and laying off 11,000 people;...

Is HIP a fantasy?
Personal development gurus have taken over the subject of high intellectual potential. There is not a single space where we do not hear...

Is the nature of the individual intrinsically religious?
When we talk about religion, we tend to consider only all "organized" religions, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. The...

The tyranny of emotions.
Emotions are reactions that play an essential role in psychological, relational and physical stability. They are temporary affective...

What are we without our souvenirs ?
Before answering the question of memories, it would have been good to ask ourselves what are we? Then the role that memories have in the...

A normalized anxio-depressive way of life.
When we observe the other, that is to say the rest of humanity, when we are attentive and a little emphatic to the suffering of the other...

The violence of comparaison...
Almost all human beings desire power and wealth in their lives. Because with wealth comes the feeling of freedom, and one can thus...

Can experiences help us change?
To answer it we have to ask what is experience, thought, knowledge, memory, etc., because that is what experience involves, a reaction to...

What is self confidence?
Is it the fact of not doubting, of having innumerable knowledge, having success, money, status, a certain image, etc.? Is it to have...

The bondage of optimism.
Being positive, ambitious, dynamic and overflowing with projects and objectives: such is the promise of contemporary happiness according...

Are emotions illusions?
Emotions are not illusions but real. They are in the realm of sensations, such as pleasure or disgust. These express approval or...

What are "ADHD" or inattention children behaviors?
There is what the specialists say about it and which they describe perfectly but which they do not really understand. Namely: attention...

From emotional tensions to a peaceful state...
Emotional tensions take different forms and are caused by a multitude of distinct factors. However, this does not make it a specific...

First loving emotion...
It was a long time ago. I must have been 12 or 13 years old. I passed her in the school yard. I was madly in love with her. There was so...

Should we talk about PN, sociopath etc.? or simply egocentrism?
First a bit about the proper use of words, descriptions and semantics… We have fallen into a society of appearances, images, pretense and...

What exactly is depression ?
The westernized individual is rocking a little more each day in an anxiety-depressive society under anti-depressants. This...

Emotional pain.
Emotional pain seems to have become the new scourge of modern times. Individuals affected by emotional disorders are legion, it is a...

Emotional dependence, a misunderstood suffering.
Emotional dependence designates a state of psychological inability to live by and for oneself, and causing great inner suffering. It is...

How to get rid of toxic relationships forever?
If there is a recurring topic that has settled in almost all chat rooms, it is that of the narcissistic pervert and the toxic person....

What is emotional hypersensitivity?
In these times of increasing complexity and hyper-fragmentation, of excessive medicalization and more generally of the creation of a sick...

How to explain that a diet does not result in any weight loss?
Whatever the nature of the diet, weight regulation is generally the result of good emotional and more generally psychological balance....

Having time, what a funny idea.
If we consider it for a moment, we realize that time is an invention of thought. There is of course the chronological time of the watch,...

Contributing to change the world.
First of all, there is the question of world disorder, our share of responsibility, and the role we can play in it. We cannot deny...

Nothing ever lasts.
It’s been three days without writing. It requires a totally peaceful mind to reconnect. Night time is best to make space, when the...

man knows so little about himself.
The individual is so unaware of his inner self. He is interested in everything that is elsewhere and abstract. He is constantly on the...

The truth of who we are.
Sailing with a swell that pushes you downwind means heading toward the voyage. It's also about stopping fighting against, and it's moving...

About life and how we got screwed.
Muxia is a small town in Galicia with its dilapidated port, its fishing boats, its calm and the warmth of the people from the south. We...

Psychology of an alcoholic party...
It is quite pathetic to watch people drink alcohol while partying, during the great ritual of socialization. The show always begins with...

Finding out we have cancer…
What is a disease ? Before we were told of the existence of a "cancer" we probably had no image on the subject, and we certainly hadn't...

Love is not attachment.
We are about to sail again tomorrow. Thus, we will leave Corunna early in the morning to go south. It's a funny feeling to always be on...

Invitation to contemplation…
There are towns on the Iberian Peninsula that particularly welcome passers-by with generosity. Gijon is one of them. While taking a...

The nature of the relationship...
The inner confinement leads us to create distance with each other. There are those who think that the observation, however pessimistic it...

Hope doesn't make things better.
We tend to accept, too easily, formulas inherited from the past, traditions and education. We have stopped questioning because the daily...

Pain is in the accumulations...
We let ourselves too quickly get involved in the relational routine. We find ourselves discussing with people with whom we no longer...

Can we be free from the past ?
The answer is in the question ! What is an individual ? The word individual means indivisible, unified, healthy. Yet we are fragmented...

Can we control our emotions ?
First of all, what do we call an emotion ? Is it a feeling ? Is it a pleasure or an affliction ? We tend to think that our feelings...

Fear and the need to free oneself from it..
When we observe the content of the mind, we can discover all kinds of accumulations, such as wounds, fears, traumas etc. We live with...

What is meditation ?
Meditation as we know it is limited. It consists of making the mind act through concentration, in order to escape the inner noise of the...

What exactly is a pathology ?
To the question of a person seeking to better understand their psychological state... "I just found out that I have schizo affective...

How to Change one's life ?
The unknown is often looked at with suspicion, even with fear. We see a potential danger in discovering something other than the daily...

Sport is above all an activity of the mind.
To observe as well as to listen requires a quality of attention in which thought stops running, and without goals. However we only seem...

How did selfies become a social epidemic ?
The selfie is the symbol of an era that embodies the decline of a civilization that has become narcissistic. There is no longer any...

What do we call the soul ?
The soul is generally considered to be an entity that escapes thought and time. Therefore we are talking about a "spiritual" entity that...
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